The University's research program covers a range of disciplines important to both the military and public health. Infectious diseases, trauma medicine, health maintenance, and cancer research are areas of particular strength. Researchers at USU make groundbreaking efforts in state-of-the-art and multidisciplinary fields, such as genomics, proteomics, and drug-delivery mechanisms.

We sponsor Research Days, clinical and technological seminar series, grantsmanship training, and professional development workshops. The annual Research Days is a culmination of the year-long efforts in advancing the USU research mission and celebrates the ongoing endeavors to advance the health and wellbeing of service-members and their families.


The Office of Research supports USU in becoming a nationally recognized research institution that makes significant and positive contributions to military health and readiness, medicine, and the human condition.


  • Partnering with the research community to create a culture of community and high achievement
  • Developing strong relationships with sponsors and collaborators
  • Promoting shared responsibility in the ethical conduct of research and regulatory compliance
  • Creating integrated services, transparent research administration, and streamlined processes, while supporting an infrastructure for trans-disciplinary research
  • Strategically investing in promising research and enhancing researchers’ abilities to obtain and manage grants
  • Release of funding opportunity announcements which support gaps in scientific literature, support early career investigators, and are focused on military relevant health related research
  • Teaming with the John W. Lowe Joint Office of Technology Transfer to promote and support the transfer of USU’s research outcomes for the benefit of USU, the warfighter, and the nation


  • USU Research Days
  • Comprehensive Student Training Program
  • Technology Transfer Symposium